Book Box (16” x 13” x 13”) |
Books, CDs, Albums, Heavier Items |
$3.00 |
Medium Box (18” x 18” x 16.5”) |
Shoes, Toys, Small Appliances |
$3.50 |
Large Box (18” x 18” x 34” ) |
Clothing, Bedding, Cushions,Lightweight Items |
$4.00 |
Double-Corrugated Dish Box (18” x 18” x 34” ) |
Stemware, Dishware, Vases, Figurines, Fragiles |
$6.00 |
Small Art Box (38” x 30” x 7”) |
Framed Art, Mirrors, Wall Hangings, Flat-Screen TVs |
$6.00 |
Large Art Box (48” x 34” x 7”) |
Framed Art, Mirrors, Wall Hangings, Flat-Screen TVs |
$10.00 |
Wardrobe Box with Bar (50” x 19” x 18”) |
Clothing on Hangers |
$15.00 |
Packing Paper (25 lb.) |
Fragiles, Dishware, Small Framed Art/Pictures |
$25.00 |
Bubble Wrap (24” wide) |
Fragiles, Vases, Framed Art |
$0.50/ft. |
Bubble Wrap (48” wide) |
Fragiles, Vases, Framed Art |
$1.00/ft. |
Tape Roll (55 yards) |
Securing Boxes and Wrapped Items |
$3.00 |